Expoganados from Colombia is a company from Bucaramanga – Santander, we export the best cattle quality and animal protein. Welcome to all our costumers to this virtual world, we want to offer the best of our company products and services and bring you the most hight expectations of excellence and great level of quality. This is our best first impression, Hope you like EXPOGANADOS.usuarios en este mundo virtual, destinado a impulsar nuestra empresa y sus productos, cumpliendo así con las expectativas de calidad y satisfacción, que hacen de nuestra filosofía de trabajo, la mejor carta de presentación.


About US

We are a traditional family business founded and created by Roberto Dulcey Cristancho.

With the passage of time and the years bought cattle ranchers to different departments, Santander and Cesar to be finally sold to consumers of meat and supermarkets in Bucaramanga

Our products

Get to know our quality products.


We export and sell cattle of the BRAHMAN CEBÚ breed and their crosses, they are animals that range from 12 months to 36 months of age. Live cattle refers to the live animal available for sale, either for fattening or slaughter.

Channel meat

Carcass meat represents approximately 53% of the live weight of the animal, we offer carcasses between 220 and 300 kg, carcasses of animals between 24 and 36 months of age, raised in natural pastures.

Intelligent portioning system

With this system the quality of the product is improved. The process makes it more efficient and easier to automatically adjust product weight and size requirements for distribution and consumption.

Boneless meat

Stripping of meat is the process by which the meat is removed from the bone after it has matured.

Meat in cuts

Meat in chilled or frozen cuts.

Other products

Milk and derivatives, hides, viscera.


Why choose us



There are two methods to achieve pregnancy in cows, the natural mating or the artificial insemination.


Learn about our export processes.


  • Environmental stewardship has been our priority.
  • We care about soil conservation and minimum-impact grazing.
  • We make effort to conserve water springs and use pesticides sparingly and judiciously.
  • We limit the drift of any pesticide used.
  • We have programs to fertilize the soil. And large-scale cattle grazing programs.


We are located in Bucaramanga, capital of the department of Santander in the Northwest of Colombia, in the middle of the eastern mountain range at a height of 959 meters above sea level and with an average temperature of 23 degrees. It is called the "Beautiful City" of Colombia for being a symbol of organization and healthy coexistence. It was founded on December 22, 1622. It is connected to the other cities of the country by road. For air transport, it has the Palonegro International Airport. It is surrounded by the municipalities of Girón, Floridablanca and Piedecuesta, which make up the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Area. Its soils, from the agrological point of view, are conducive to the cultivation of a wide variety of products and use for livestock. The vegetation of the city of Bucaramanga corresponds to a transition life zone between the Tropical Dry Forest (bs-T) and the Premontane Wet Forest (bmh-PM) or a transition between the Sub-Andean Forest and the Lower Tropical Forest.

¿Need help?

If you want more information or purchase any of our products, do not hesitate to contact us.