Carcass meat

Carcass meat is the anatomical structures that remain after a live specimen has undergone the slaughtering process following the sanitary standards established in slaughterhouses, and that provide a benefit as carcass or meat for human consumption.

The carcass meat represents approximately 53% of the live animal weight. We offer carcasses between 220 and 300 kg, carcasses from animals between 24 and 36 months of age, raised in natural pastures.

A bovine carcass is represented by the anatomical structures that remain after a live bovine is slaughtered under standard slaughterhouse procedures.

The benefits offered by a carcass are classified as products (meat as such, in pieces, cuts, and boning), and by-products (red and white viscera, bones, cartilage, skin, hoof, and blood), which are obtained to achieve the highest productive efficiency of the carcass.

The success in determining the total yield of a carcass is based on the exact and timely fulfillment of each and every one of the steps, from handling and immobilization of the animal, skinning, obtaining the quarter carcasses, and their adequate refrigeration.